Tag Archives: Trip

What to Do When Ill or Injured On Your Trip

It is always a good idea to protect yourself and those who travel with you by signing up for a single trip holiday insurance plan. These low-cost options will prove to be a big help, especially when you are in a foreign environment where the climate, cuisine and terrain are very different from what you are used to.

Now let’s say that you find yourself ill or figure into an accident while you are on your break. What do you need to do in order to make a successful claim on the single trip holiday insurance plan you took out?

Determine whether you are covered or not

One of the first things you need to do is actually find out if your insurer is obliged to pay for the medicines or procedures you need. For example, your insurer should cover injuries you sustain from a road accident – but not if you are drunk or if you sustain those accidents from a sporting event. Your insurer may also cover hospitalisation fees but not your medication. You will also have to take policy excess into consideration, where you will have to pay more than a set amount out of your pocket before your insurer steps in to cover the rest. This is why it is always important to go over your coverage with a fine-toothed comb before you sign up.

Contact your insurer as soon as possible

If you want to successfully lodge a claim on single trip holiday insurance, you need to alert your provider of your dilemma at the soonest possible opportunity. If your claim is valid, they will guide you step by step on what other things you need to do. If you are not facing a life-threatening situation, your insurer will determine which clinic or hospital you will need to go to. This allows them to more easily handle your claim by working with institutions that they are networked with in the area. They will also send you a form via email that you need to fill out and send back. This is the first step among many that involves properly documenting all procedures and expenses you will incur.

Prepare and present all relevant documents

Your single trip holiday insurance provider won’t reimburse you if you don’t have the necessary documents to back up your claims. The most common documents you might need include: claim form; booking invoices and itinerary; medical reports and invoices; payment invoices or statements; hotel invoices; third-party details (i.e. invoices and insurance provider of liable party).

Do make sure all invoices are converted to the currency used in your home country, like GBP for Britain or USD for America. You will also need to create a copy of these documents for your personal records since you will be sending the original documents to your provider later on.

Keep these tips in mind and you’ll be able to successfully claim on your policy if ever you find yourself needing medical attention while on holiday.

4 Unexpected Truths Behind Every School Trip

When the permission slip is handed over from their child, parents are sometimes likely to think back to their own educational excursions with rose-tinted glasses. They may recall the fun and freedom of venturing outside the classroom to new and exciting destinations, but as they sign off on their child’s adventure, do know they really know what they are in for?

The fact is, times have changed. Excursions are not completely as they were a generation ago. Parents might be fascinated to know that their progeny will enjoy their journeys in fresh new ways.

Students will be connected

There are so many opportunities for those students who can afford to embark on a school trip abroad (or even in the UK). Students can get up close and personal with safari wildlife in South Africa or drink in the history of the ruins of lost but not forgotten societies in Greece. But these forays into the wide world do not carry the same sense of isolation and pioneering spirit as they once did. While still exciting, the truth is that students will be thoroughly connected – to folks back home and to one another. Modern Internet and mobile phone technology allows parents and teachers to keep a close eye on students virtually, while giving them a chance to share their experiences.

Students will be challenged

No school trip today is a mere excuse for teachers to lay off lesson planning. If, in the past, journeys within the country or abroad had an air of carelessness to them, this is all but stamped out by expert providers of quality tours. The reality is that students will be challenged: they will indeed have fun, but they will also be expected to learn and take back this learning to the classroom.

Students will be distracted

There is believed to be a broad consensus that children today are multi-taskers who have sacrificed a long attention span for distraction. This changes the way a school trip is experienced. While this framework of thinking is not all bad, since students are, indeed, able to be occupied with multiple streams of informational input, it does mean that on a journey filled with new sights and sounds to dazzle the senses, it is harder for students to stay focused. This is why expert guides are so important to make sure students have a conducive learning environment.

Students will have options

In the past, perhaps even the most ambitious excursions did not cater wholly to students’ needs. This is not the case for the modern school trip. While in the past many groups visited museums such as the Louvre, famous sites such as the WWII battlefields, or renowned natural environments such as the Bay of Naples, the tours were not organised to specifically serve the needs of each class and curriculum. Nowadays, the truth is that a recognised educational tour provider will not only provide an experience tied deeply to English, Math, History and other subjects, but they can also adjust to suit individual class needs.

4 Unexpected Truths Behind Every School Trip

When the permission slip is handed over from their child, parents are sometimes likely to think back to their own educational excursions with rose-tinted glasses. They may recall the fun and freedom of venturing outside the classroom to new and exciting destinations, but as they sign off on their child’s adventure, do know they really know what they are in for?

The fact is, times have changed. Excursions are not completely as they were a generation ago. Parents might be fascinated to know that their progeny will enjoy their journeys in fresh new ways.

Students will be connected

There are so many opportunities for those students who can afford to embark on a school trip abroad (or even in the UK). Students can get up close and personal with safari wildlife in South Africa or drink in the history of the ruins of lost but not forgotten societies in Greece. But these forays into the wide world do not carry the same sense of isolation and pioneering spirit as they once did. While still exciting, the truth is that students will be thoroughly connected – to folks back home and to one another. Modern Internet and mobile phone technology allows parents and teachers to keep a close eye on students virtually, while giving them a chance to share their experiences.

Students will be challenged

No school trip today is a mere excuse for teachers to lay off lesson planning. If, in the past, journeys within the country or abroad had an air of carelessness to them, this is all but stamped out by expert providers of quality tours. The reality is that students will be challenged: they will indeed have fun, but they will also be expected to learn and take back this learning to the classroom.

Students will be distracted

There is believed to be a broad consensus that children today are multi-taskers who have sacrificed a long attention span for distraction. This changes the way a school trip is experienced. While this framework of thinking is not all bad, since students are, indeed, able to be occupied with multiple streams of informational input, it does mean that on a journey filled with new sights and sounds to dazzle the senses, it is harder for students to stay focused. This is why expert guides are so important to make sure students have a conducive learning environment.

Students will have options

In the past, perhaps even the most ambitious excursions did not cater wholly to students’ needs. This is not the case for the modern school trip. While in the past many groups visited museums such as the Louvre, famous sites such as the WWII battlefields, or renowned natural environments such as the Bay of Naples, the tours were not organised to specifically serve the needs of each class and curriculum. Nowadays, the truth is that a recognised educational tour provider will not only provide an experience tied deeply to English, Math, History and other subjects, but they can also adjust to suit individual class needs.